Our Experts:
Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
A Professor of Modern and Contemporary Arab History, (exact field the Palestine studies historically, politically and strategically). The General Manager of al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations since 2004 and former head of Department of History and Civilization at the International Islamic University (IIUM), Malaysia. He was granted the Baital-Maqdis (Jerusalem) award for Young Muslims Scholars in 1997 and the Excellent Teaching Award (College level), given by IIUM in 2002. He is the author of 15 books and 20 chapters of academic books on the Palestine issue, and the editor of more than 90 books, including: The Palestine Strategic Report (12 volumes, covering the period 2005–2021), The Palestine Documents (7 volumes, covering the period 2005–2011), and The Palestine Daily Chronicle (8 volumes, covering the period 2014–2021), in addition to editing the Strategic Assessment Series (129 assessments). Saleh was the editor-in-chief (1/5/2005–31/7/2016) of the Arabic daily electronic newsletter “Palestine Today,” i.e., 4,007 editions. Saleh has published many peer-reviewed articles, participated in dozens of local and international conferences and seminars, and gave hundreds of television, radio and newspaper interviews. He is a constant contributor to leading papers and online platforms.
A specialized researcher in the Palestine studies. Currently, a researcher and assistant general manager at al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations in Beirut. He authored the book: Al-Hisar (The Siege), and participated in preparing and editing several Arabic publications, among them: Al-Zaytouna’s annual The Palestine Documents series, The Palestinian National Authority: Studies of the Experience and Performance 1994–2013, Conflict of Wills Between Fatah and Hamas and Other Relevant Parties, Security Developments in the Palestinian Authority 2006–2007, and Critical Assessments of the Experience of Hamas and Its Government 2006–2007. He has been writing in The Palestine Strategic Report series since 2009 (8 volumes, covering the period 2009–2021). He participated in several local and international conferences and seminars.

A researcher specialized in the Palestine issue. He has a Ph.D degree in political science and a master’s degree in international and diplomatic relations. ElKassem is currently the head of the Archives and Information Department at al-Zaytouna Centre, and the Editor of “Palestine Today” Newsletter, and the managing editor of the Information Report series and the Information File series.
He is the author of the Arabic book Resistance Rockets in Gaza: A Palestinian Deterrent Weapon, has published a refereed study entitled, The Israeli Strategy Towards the Syrian Crisis 2011–2018, and participated in the preparation of many Arabic studies and publications such as: The Information Report and the Information File series and the Arabic book: Egypt Between Two Eras: Morsi and al-Sisi: A Comparative Study. He also contributed a chapter titled “The Establishment of the Palestinian National Authority” to the Arabic book: The Palestinian National Authority: Studies of the Experience and Performance 1994–2013. He co-prepares the volumes of The Palestine Daily Chronicle (in Arabic) published by al-Zaytouna since 2014, and co-prepares the Palestine Strategic Report series (3 volumes, covering the period 2016–2021). He participated in several local and international conferences.

A researcher specialized in Palestinian studies, the head of Translation Department at al-Zaytouna since 2010 and the head of the Quality Assurance Unit. She co-edited ten volumes of the English translation of “Am I Not a Human?” series, and co-prepared Al-Jama‘ah Al-Islamiyyah in Lebanon: 1975–2000. Besides, she was the senior language editor of the Palestine Strategic Report series (8 volumes, covering the period 2009–2021), and assistant editor of one volume of the same series (2 volumes, covering the period 2007–2008). Sa‘adah was the language editor of five books, including: The Red Minaret: Memoirs of Ibrahim Ghusheh; The Palestinian Issue: Historical Background and Contemporary Developments; and Gaza Strip: Development and Construction in the Face of Siege and Destruction. She is the language editor of tens of al-Zaytouna articles and publications. Sa‘adah participated in several local and international conferences and seminars.

A researcher and the head of the Academic Editing unit at al-Zaytouna Centre. ‘Omeish participated in preparing the demographic, economic and educational indicators in The Palestine Strategic Report series (5 volumes, covering the period 2012–2021), in addition to preparing the Arabic book of: Gaza Strip: Development and Construction in the Face of Siege and Destruction. She participated in the editing of many al-Zaytouna books and publications. She contributed two chapters titled “Economic Indicators for the Palestinian Authority 1994–2013” and “Human Development Under the Palestinian Authority” to the Arabic book: The Palestinian National Authority: Studies of the Experience and Performance 1994–2013.

Fatima Hassan ‘Itani
A researcher specialized in Palestinian studies at al-Zaytouna Centre. She is currently pursuing her master’s degree in Islamic studies. She participated in preparing four books; three of Am I Not a Human? Series: The Suffering of the Palestinian Patient Under the Israeli Occupation; The Suffering of Palestinian Environment and Farmer Under the Israeli Occupation; and The Suffering of Palestinians From the Israeli Roadblocks in the West Bank, and one book Al-Jama‘ah Al-Islamiyyah in Lebanon: 1975–2000. In 2019, ‘Itani has published the refereed academic study titled, “Israeli Unit 8200 and Its Role in Serving Israeli Espionage Technology.”
‘Itani co-prepared the Information Report series, and co-edited many al-Zaytouna books and publications. She contributed a chapter titled “Corruption in the Palestinian National Authority” to the book: The Palestinian National Authority: Studies of the Experience and Performance 1994–2013.

A researcher at al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, who is specialized in the Palestine issue. She participated in preparing the demographic, economic and educational indicators in several volumes of the Palestine Strategic Report series, in addition to participating in the Arabic book Gaza Strip: Development and Construction in the Face of Siege and Destruction. She participated in the editing of many al-Zaytouna books and publications. She contributed a chapter titled “Human Development Under the Palestinian Authority” to the Arabic book: The Palestinian National Authority: Studies of the Experience and Performance 1994–2013.

Experts, Research Associates and Collaborators:
Dr. ‘Abdullatif Khader Sedda
He received his Ph.D. in public law from Istanbul University in 2020, and the title of his dissertation was “Israeli Settlement in Palestine From an International Law Perspective. He has been a member of the Palestinian Bar Association since 2012. Sedda is the head of the Palestinian Observer for Settlement and Apartheid Wall Affairs organization, and the executive director of The International Legal Alliance for Palestine. He wrote an Arabic book entitled, Judaization in Historic Palestine: Israeli Settlements: The Etymology of the Name and Connotation. Sedda co-authored the Arabic book, Zionist Settlement in the West Bank 2015–2016. He authored the section on Settlement Building in the West Bank, in the Land and Holy Sites chapter in The Palestine Strategic Report 2020–2021.

Dr. ‘Adnan Abu ‘Amer
Professor of Political Science at al-Ummah University in Gaza Strip, holding a Ph.D. in political history from Damascus University. Specialized in Israeli studies, Abu ‘Amer has published a number of books on contemporary Palestinian politics and the Arab-Israeli conflict. He is also a researcher and translator for a number of Arab and Western research centers, and a frequent writer in a number of Arab newspapers and magazines.
He wrote academic papers, strategic assessments and chapters in books for al-Zaytouna Centre, and has translated two books from Hebrew to Arabic. Among his Arabic books published by al-Zaytouna: Israeli Security System and the Arab Uprisings (2016), and Breaches in the Wall of the Israeli Army (2009).

Ashraf Uthman Badr
A lecturer at the Birzeit University, who holds a master’s degree in Israeli studies and is continuing his doctoral studies in social sciences. His thesis was published in 2016 by al Zaytouna Centre in a book entitled, Israel and Hamas: The Dialectic of Mutual Restraining, Communication, and Negotiation 1987–2014. He has co-authored several books and has published papers in refereed journals. He was granted the Palestine Cultural Award in its fourth session (2015), presented by the Palestine International Institute (Ahmad Al-Shuqeiri Award on the Question of Palestine and International Law). Badr is interested in Israeli military rule and the concept of settler colonialism in Palestine. As for his cooperation with al-Zaytouna, he co-authored the chapter “The Palestine Issue and the Arab World” in the Palestine Strategic Report series during the period 2018–2021 (2 volumes), and published several refereed scientific studies.

‘Atef al-Joulani
A Jordanian journalist and author of Palestinian origin, editor-in-chief of Assabeel newspaper, and an expert in Palestinian and Jordanian political and strategic affairs. He has published dozens of articles, political analyses, situation assessments and papers, in addition, he is frequently hosted by TV and radio channels. He also participates in many of al-Zaytouna Centre’s activities, and contributes in writing strategic assessments.

Hani Muhammad al-Masri
Author, political analyst, journalist and a member of the General Union of Palestinian Journalists and Writers and the Union of International Journalists since 1980. One of the founders and the general manager of the Palestinian Center for Policy Research and Strategic Studies—Masarat since April 2011. From 2005 until 2011, he was the general manager of the Palestine Media, Research and Studies Centre—Badael. He was the general director of the Department of Publication and Media Organizations Affairs at the Palestinian Ministry of Information 1995–2005. He published hundreds of articles, studies and researches, was interviewed by many media outlets, and contributed in several Arab and international conferences. He is a member of Board of Trustees of Yasser Arafat Foundation, and a consultant at the Palestinian Policies Network. He wrote the part about the peace process in The Palestine Strategic Report series (8 volumes, covering the period 2009–2021), published by al-Zaytouna Centre.

A historian and lecturer at the History Department of Beit Berl Academic College (Galilee). His researches are on Islamic and Arab history, Middle Eastern issues and the Arab-Israeli conflict. He published a number of books and researches including: The Israeli Settlement, A Distance Between Two States, The Military Institution in Israel, Lexicon of Zionist and Israeli Personalities and Terms, Haifa: The Word That Became a City, The 100th Anniversary of Balfour Declaration, and Religiosity in the Curricula and School Books in Israel. He has published many studies and refereed articles in many scientific journals and participated in local and international conferences. Mansour is an active member of several societies and academic institutions.
Dr. Mansour is a frequent contributor to al-Zaytouna’s publications. He wrote the part concerning the Israeli-Palestinian scene in The Palestine Strategic Report series during the period 2009–2019 (7 volumes), and several strategic assessments.

Prof. Dr. Moein Muhammad Ragab
A professor of Economics at a number of universities and an economic expert and analyst in local and foreign media. He participated in founding the Faculty of Commerce at the Islamic University in Gaza Strip and the Faculty of Commerce (later it was known as Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences) at al-Azhar University, and was appointed dean there. A former consultant at the Palestinian Monetary Authority and a former coordinator at The Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS).
Prof. Ragab is a member in several economic scientific societies and has many scientific researches and working papers that were published in scientific periodicals. Ragab participated in local, Arab and international conferences, and is the author of several textbooks in economics, public finance, money and banking, international trade, Islamic economics, economic integration, the Palestinian economy, scientific research methods, economic planning and the history of economic thought. He also discussed and supervised many MA theses.
Prof. Ragab is a frequent contributor to al-Zaytouna’s publications. He wrote the chapter covering the economic indicators in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in The Palestine Strategic Report series (8 volumes, covering the period 2009–2021), and contributed in preparing the Arabic book of Gaza Strip: Development and Construction in the Face of Siege and Destruction.

Dr. Mohannad Mustafa
He received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Haifa. The General Manager of Mada al-Carmel – Arab Center for Applied Social Research and head of the History Department at Arab Academic Institute for Education at Beit Berl Academic College. He has published dozens of studies and books on Israeli and Palestinian affairs, in Arabic, English and Hebrew. He co-authored two Arabic books; The Palestinians in Israel: The Policies of Indigenous Minority in the Ethnic State (2009); and Israel’s Foreign Policy Toward Emerging the Powers: Turkey, India, China and Russia (2010). Mustafa contributed also a chapter titled “Population Exchange Projects and the Jewish State: The Case of Population Exchange in the Triangle” to the Arabic book: The Palestinian Community in Israel & the Jewishness of the State (2011). He authored the section on internal Israeli political scene, in The Israeli Scene chapter in The Palestine Strategic Report 2020–2021.

Bsiso studied journalism and media studies. A thinker and an expert on Palestinian factions, who was the managing editor of al-Sada newspaper, and the director of the Arab Center for Research and Studies in Gaza. He conducted many studies, most notably the Intifadat al-Aqsa series, issued by the Arab Center for Research and Studies. He is a permanent columnist in several Palestinian and Arab newspapers, magazines and websites.
Bsiso authored the chapter of the Internal Palestinian Scene in The Palestine Strategic Report series during the period 2011–2017 (4 volumes). He also wrote several strategic assessments published by al-Zaytouna Centre.

A researcher who is specialized in the Palestine issue. He holds a BA degree in Arabic language and literature. He participates in the preparation and editing of The Palestine Daily Chronicle, which has been issued by al-Zaytouna Centre since 2014. Al-Dannan also participated in the writing of a number of Arabic books issued by the Centre, most notably; Information Report series, Information File series and the book: Egypt Between Two Eras: Morsi and al-Sisi: A Comparative Study. He contributed a chapter titled “The Palestinian Authority’s Policies Towards the Palestinian Resistance” to the Arabic book: The Palestinian National Authority: Studies of the Experience and Performance 1994–2013. Al-Dannan has also participated in several local and international conferences and seminars. He co-prepared the Palestine Strategic Report during the period 2016–2021 (3 volumes).
Al-Dannan co-prepares the annual Arabic reports: Eye on al-Aqsa and Jerusalem Situation, published by al-Quds International Institution. He also co-prepared the Arabic book: The Evolution of the International Position Towards Jerusalem, published by the Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness) in 2015.

Dr. Sa‘id Talal al-Dahshan
Researcher in international humanitarian law and international criminal law. He holds a Ph.D. degree in international law from the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia—USIM) in 2019, and a Ph.D. degree in human rights from Jinan University in Lebanon in 2016. Head of the Legal Unit at the Turkish Kudsdar Foundation – Istanbul since 2016. Director General of the Office of the Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs (2006–2009), and a teaching assistant at the Community College of Professional Sciences at the Islamic University of Gaza (2002–2007). His publications include the Arabic book How We Sue Israel?, published by al-Zaytouna Centre (2017), and the English book The Palestine and International Criminal Court, Dar Asala (2020). He has many refereed research papers in scientific journals.

Dr. Sa‘id Walid al-Haj
Author and a specialized researcher in Turkish studies and the Arab and Islamic region issues. A Palestinian physician, who studied at the Hacettepe University. He published hundreds of articles in several newspapers and renowned Arabic websites, as well as dozens of research papers on the Turkish issue in many renowned studies centers. He is the author of a book titled “The Turkish Arab Relations: Prospects and Challenges” (2016). He contributed a chapter titled “Turkey and the Arab World in the Justice and Development Term” to the book The Experience of the Justice and Development of Governance, published by SETA Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (2018). He wrote the part discussing Turkey and the Palestine Issue in The Palestine Strategic Report series during the period 2014–2021 (4 volumes), published by al-Zaytouna Centre. Al-Haj delivered lectures on Turkish affairs in many seminars, and local and international conferences, and was interviewed by different media outlets to discuss Turkish and Palestinian affairs.

Sari ‘Orabi
A researcher on Arab and Islamic issues, the Palestinian national movement in particular, in addition to his interest in Islamic thought. He has a Masters Degree in contemporary Arab studies from Birzeit University, and his thesis is titled “The Ideology and Politics Transformations in the Palestinian National Movement: The Student Brigade as a Model.” ‘Orabi collaborates with a number of research centers, and has written numerous research papers, reports and position assessment studies. He is a political analyst, who has been hosted by Palestinian, Arab and international TV channels. He co-authored a book, part of a series discussing the concepts and terminologies of the Palestine issue, and has published hundreds of articles, in both Arabic and English, on intellectual and political issues. He wrote the chapter “The Internal Palestinian Scene” of The Palestine Strategic Report series during the period 2018–2021 (2 volumes), published by al-Zaytouna Centre.

A former dean of Higher Institute of Doctorate, former dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences in the Lebanese University and a former general director of the Center for Strategic Studies. A professor at the Lebanese University, a scientific and academic advisor at Al Maaref University, and a researcher in Middle East issues. A lecturer at the Command and Staff College of the Lebanese Army, and a member of several scientific and consultative committees in Lebanese and Arab research centers. He issued a number of studies and researches in many Arab and foreign journals, participated in regional and international conferences discussing the cultural, political and social issues of the Middle East, and the author of several Arabic books; Islam and Political Thought: Democracy-The West-Iran (et. al.; 2003), The Geostrategy of the Iranian Hill: Problems and Alternatives (2009), Supporting Marginalized Groups: Civil Society Experience in Supporting the Families of Prisoners (2014), The Image of Germany in the Arabic School History Books (2016), and Between Two Awakenings: Political Islam in a Transformed Middle East (2020).
Prof. ‘Atrissi is a frequent contributor to al-Zaytouna’s publications. He wrote the part related to Iran and the Palestine issue in The Palestine Strategic Report series (11 volumes, covering the period 2006–2021). A frequent paper-presenter at al-Zaytouna’s conferences and panel discussions.

Dr. Usama Jum‘a al-Ashqar
Palestinian writer, historian and novelist, and a political advisor at al-Rasid Center for Studies. He has a Ph.D in philosophy and media, and he is the director of the Palestine Institution for Culture. He has published more than 30 books and studies, and prepared the report The Sudanese Uprising: Backgrounds, Reverberations and Forecasts, published by al-Zaytouna Centre (2019).

Wael El Mabhouh
A writer, political analyst, and activist in the field of boycott and anti-normalization. Member of the Academic Council of Elmessiri Academy for Studies and Training, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Boycott Campaign – Palestine. He holds a master’s degree in Middle Eastern studies in 2010, and a diploma in diplomatic management in 2013. He has been a researcher in political affairs at the Palestinian Ministry of Culture since 2011, and works as a part-time lecturer at al-Awda University College. He was a part-time lecturer at Israeli Affairs Department of al-Zaytona College of Educational Sciences 2013–2016, the Political Science and Media Department of Ummah University for Open Education in Gaza Strip 2011–2016, and the Libraries and Information Department of the University College of Applied Sciences (UCAS) 2002–2009. His publications include the Arabic book Opposition in the Political Thought of Hamas Movement 1994–2006: Analytical Study, published by al-Zaytouna Centre (2012). Moreover, he wrote several academic papers and refereed scientific studies that were published by al-Zaytouna.

Prof. Dr. Walid ‘Abd al-Hay
Ph.D., is a professor of Political Sciences at Yarmouk University, Jordan, and the former head of that Department. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Political Sciences from Cairo University and had taught at several universities. He is a member of the board of trustees of al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, the National Center For Human Rights (NCHR) in Jordan, and Irbid National University. ‘Abd al-Hay was a consultant at the Higher Media Council and the Board of Grievances in Jordan. He published 37 books mostly focused on futuristic studies in theory and application. His Arabic books include: Futures Studies in International Relations, Futures Studies in Political Sciences, Futures Studies Methods and Their Applications in the Arab World, The Futuristic Status of China in the International Power Scale 1978–2010 and Iran: The Future of Regional Status 2020 (2010). He has translated many books and studies from English into Arabic, and published more than 120 researches in refereed academic journals.
Dr. ‘Abd al-Hay is a frequent contributor to al-Zaytouna’s publications. He is the writer of the chapter “The Palestine Issue and the International Situation” of The Palestine Strategic Report series since 2006 (11 volumes, covering the period 2006–2021). A frequent paper presenter at al-Zaytouna’s conferences, trainer, and writer of several strategic assessments.

Ziad Bhies
Palestinian specialized researcher in Jerusalem issues. He holds a master degree in Political Science from the University of Jordan, and is conducting his doctoral studies there. He edited the Eye on al-Aqsa report during 2006–2008, and co-prepared the volumes of the same report during 2009–2013 and 2020–2021. He was head of Media and Research Department at al-Quds International Institution (2004–2007), then he was its executive director (2008–2010), and currently, he is a researcher coordinating with the same Institution.
He contributed several researches and papers published by al-Zaytouna, including a chapter titled “Social Condition of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon” of the book Conditions of the Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon. He contributed in the field study on the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon conducted by al-Zaytouna during 2005–2006. Bhies also contributed the part of Jerusalem and the holy sites in The Palestine Strategic Report series (8 volumes, covering the period 2009–2021). A frequent paper presenter at al-Zaytouna’s conferences, and a contributor in several strategic assessments.