Monthly Archives: February 2022

Panel Discussion: The Possible Scenarios of the Internal Palestinian Situation in Light of the PLO Central Council Meeting and the Options to Deal with It

On 22/2/2022, al-Zaytouna Centre held a panel discussion entitled “The Possible Scenarios of the Internal Palestinian Situation in Light of the PLO Central Council Meeting [...]

Strategic Assessment (129): The Crisis of Convening the PLO Central Council and its Repercussions on the Palestinian Political System

Executive Summary The insistence of the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership on convening the Palestinian Central Council (PCC) in Ramallah on 6–7/2/2022, without national consensus and [...]

Information Report (29): US Behavior Towards the Palestine Issue During Trump’s Term

Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations in Beirut issued a new report on the US behavior towards the Palestine issue during Trump’s term. The 29th [...]

Political Analysis: Convening the PLO Central Council: A Step Backward

By: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh. The main message conveyed by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leadership (the leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and [...]

Academic Paper: Israel in the Mirror of Taiwan

By: Prof. Dr. Walid ‘Abd al-Hay.[*] (Exclusively for al-Zaytouna Centre). Introduction Was there any specific significance in the statement of US National Security Adviser Jake [...]

Academic Paper: The Role of Azerbaijan in the Possible Turkish-Israeli Rapprochement

By: Dr. Said El-Haj. (Exclusively for al-Zaytouna Centre). Introduction In 2021, a series of dialogues and meetings took place between antagonistic and confrontational parties in [...]

Political Analysis: Reading the Projected Palestinian Demographic Indicators

By: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh. Among the 2022 projections, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) expects that the numbers of Palestinians and Jews [...]


Al-Zaytouna Centre conducts strategic and futuristic academic studies on the Arab and Muslim worlds. It focuses on the Palestinian issue and the conflict with Israel as well as related Palestinian, Arab, Islamic and international developments.

General Manager

Mohsen Moh’d Saleh, Ph.D., is an associate professor of Modern and Contemporary Arab History, the general manager of al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, editor-in-chief of the annual Palestinian Strategic Report, former head of Department of History and Civilization at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), and former executive manager of Middle East Studies Centre in Amman ...More

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