
Academic Paper: The Future of Egyptian-Israeli Relations from the Israeli Perspective … Prof. Dr. Walid ‘Abd al-Hay

By: Prof. Dr. Walid ‘Abd al-Hay.[1] (Exclusively for al-Zaytouna Centre). Introduction The Israeli political elite realize Egypt’s centrality in the Arab regional system and that [...]

Political Analysis: The Aqaba Summit: What’s Next?

By: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh. In the Aqaba Conference, held in Jordan on 26/2/2023, Jordan, Egypt, US, the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Israel, have [...]

Strategic Assessment (110): The Prospects of the US Deal of the Century

Summary: It seems that during 2019 the US will be inching closer towards the official reveal of the articles of the “Deal of the Century.” [...]

The Shuyukh Camps: The Resistance of the Muslim Brothers Against the Zionist Project 1968-1970 (Arabic)

Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations has recently published a new book “The Shuyukh Camps: The Resistance of the Muslim Brothers Against the Zionist Project [...]

The Development of Dialogue, Reconciliation and Putting the Palestinian House in Order 2008-2017

Al-Zaytouna Centre publishes the following dossier on The Development of Dialogue, Reconciliation and Putting the Palestinian House in Order, during the period 2008–2017. The dossier [...]


Al-Zaytouna Centre conducts strategic and futuristic academic studies on the Arab and Muslim worlds. It focuses on the Palestinian issue and the conflict with Israel as well as related Palestinian, Arab, Islamic and international developments.

General Manager

Mohsen Moh’d Saleh, Ph.D., is an associate professor of Modern and Contemporary Arab History, the general manager of al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, editor-in-chief of the annual Palestinian Strategic Report, former head of Department of History and Civilization at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), and former executive manager of Middle East Studies Centre in Amman ...More

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