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Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations has issued the Information File (31) in Arabic entitled, “The Israeli Scene in Light of the 25th Knesset Elections,” and it is offered for free download.

The file, which consists of seven chapters, includes the most important news, reports and articles that discuss the Israeli scene and its changes during the 25th Knesset elections and after results. The first chapter describes the election campaigns of the political parties, their platforms and alliances, and the second includes the official results of the elections. The third chapter provides details on the consultations and negotiations within the right-wing bloc that won a majority in the elections, and which was entrusted with forming a government headed by Netanyahu.

>> Free Download:
>> Information File (31): The Israeli Scene in Light of the 25th Knesset Elections (562 page, 5.1 MB) (Arabic)

Publication Information

– Title: Information File (31): Al-Mashhad al-Israeli fi Daw’ Intikhabat al-Knesset a-l25 (The Israeli Scene in Light of the 25th Knesset Elections)

– Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
– Managing Editor: Dr. Basem Elkassem
– Date of Publishing: 2023 (1st edition)
– Paperback: 560 pages
– Free Download: Click here (562 page, 5.1 MB) (Arabic)

The fourth chapter discusses the repercussions of the electoral scene on Israeli politics, security and economy, describing the tensions and disagreements concerning the government’s performance and way of handling various issues. As for the fifth chapter, it provides a comprehensive view of Israel’s management of the conflict with the Palestinian people, and its relationship with the Palestinians of the 1948 occupied territories, in addition, it describes the incitements against them during elections, so as to deepen their isolation. It also discusses Israeli settlement expansion, Judaization campaign, military aggressions, and the tightening of siege in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip.

The sixth chapter sheds light on the repercussions of the Knesset elections on the Arab, Islamic and international scenes, detailing various reactions and their impact on the Palestine issue and the relations with Israel.

The last chapter explored the most important studies, reports and articles that dealt with the electoral scene and its impact on conflict. They give a clear, analytical and a future picture of the possible expected developments.

This information file covers the news, events, positions and articles related to this topic during 1/6/2022–31/12/2022 period.

This Information File is an academic study, providing the researchers and specialists with detailed, clear, accurate, and well-documented material on the 25th Knesset elections and their impact on the Israeli scene and the developments of the Palestine issue. It helps decision makers to better understand Israel and its policies. It cites the opinions of the most prominent analysts in Israeli and Arab newspapers.

Noted that the Archives and Information Department at al-Zaytouna Centre has prepared this Information File (31), with Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh as editor-in-chief and Basem Elkassem as the managing editor.

Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, 14/2/2023

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