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“The Suffering of Jerusalem and Holy Sites under the Israeli Occupation” is the seventh in Am I Not a Human? series. The previous books include book #1 on the Israeli racism, #2 on the suffering of the Palestinian Children, #3 on women, #4 on prisoners, #5 on massacres, #6 on refugees, #7 on Jerusalem, #8 on the separation wall, #10 on the worker and #11 on the patient, with remaining three issues in preparation.

The book falls in 142 pages and is written by Dr. Mohsen Moh’d Saleh. It documents the suffering of the holy city, holy in Islam, Christianity and Judaism, and its population under the Israeli Occupation; in addition to the Occupation’s infringements on other Muslim and Christian holy sites in Palestine generally.

The book presents a historic and legal background on the issue of Jerusalem, since its occupation, including documented narratives of the occupation of the city and the continuous forced displacement of its population, in addition to documents that prove the illegality and de-legitimacy of the Occupation.

The book also considers the Israeli infringements on Al-Aqsa Mosque, including excavations beneath and near the Mosque that threaten its infrastructure, the breakings into the Mosque, the expropriation of its areas and of neighbouring homes and neighborhoods, and the continuous attempts of the occupation to transform it into an open site for Jews and tourists, thus depriving its religious sanctity to Muslims.

Additionally, the book describes the Israeli Occupation’s practices in the issue of Judaizing Jerusalem and imposing a Jewish façade on the city instead of its currently Muslim-Christian dominant Arab identity; and works in constructing a parallel “holy” Jewish city in the project named “Jerusalem first”.

The Occupation’s settlement expansion in Jerusalem is also among the major issues considered by the book, not to mention the various planning schemes that aim at isolating Jerusalem from its Palestinian neighboring villages and from the West Bank more generally, and the expropriation of vast lands around Jerusalem to annex them to its municipal borders.

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Publication Information


Title:  The Suffering of Jerusalem and the Holy Sites under the Israeli Occupation

Prepared by: Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh

Published in: 2012 (1st Edition)

Physical details: 142 pages, 17*21 cm, paperback

Price: 4 $

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Available on:

According to the book, one of the major goals of building the separation wall is to have more flexibility in Judiazing Jerusalem and expropriating the above-mentioned lands, and isolating the city from its Arab and Palestinian environment.

As for the Jerusalemites, the books documents the suffering of the Jerusalemite population, its displacement through various means like withdrawing their residency permit, issuing demolish orders for their homes, and restricting the issue of building permits for Arabs, in order to limit the growth of the city’s indigenous population.

The book concludes with noting the outstanding endurance of the Jerusalemites in staying in their city and protecting it with minimal -if any- support, and calls for assisting the Jerusalemites in resisting the Occupation’s measures, violations and dubious plans; for preserving the Jerusalemites’ just and legitimate right of living peacefully in their homeland.

This series is a rich interactive documentation of the Palestinian suffering under the Israeli occupation. It focuses on the Israeli violations of the Palestinians’ basic human rights. This series is also distinguished with academic, well documented, comprehensive, concise, and graphically-supported, It is published (& ongoing publication) in both Arabic and English Languages.

Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, 2/2/2012