Reading Time: 2 minutes

This report, the 16th of the information report series, sheds light on the events and developments that took place after WWII,  and which contributed to crystallizing the idea of establishing the EU.

It explores the European stances towards the Palestinian issue beginning with 1917, their different impacts on the Palestinian issue, and the idea of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership  and the incentive to pursue it.

The report studies the European foreign policy towards the Palestinian issue, the extent of its link age to US foreign policy and the European interests in the peace process in the Middle East.

Then, it examines the European contributions to the peace process since the Madrid peace conference in 1991 until the end of 2009.

The report talks about the EU positions on dealing with the Palestinian resistance movements and on the 2006 Palestinian elections in which Hamas had won.

It also, presents the European position vis-à-vis the siege of the Gaza Strip (GS) and the Israeli aggression on GS, 27/12/2008–18/1/2009. 

This report is available fully for free download on al-Zaytouna Centre’s Arabic Website. ( Download)

The Information Report series was launched by the Information Department of al-Zaytouna Centre in early 2008. It aims at providing periodical, informative, concise and well-documented information set on selected issues of concern on the Arab and Muslim World, specifically the Palestinian issue.



Title: Dwr Al-Ethad Alorobe Fe Msar Altswia Alslmia ll Qadia Al-Felestinia(The Role of the EU in the Track of the Peace Settlement the Palestinian Issue)

Editor: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh

Managing Editor: Rabi‘ al-Dannan

Published in: 2010 (1st edition)

Physical details: 71 pages, 14*21 cm, paperback

Price: 2 $