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Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations in Beirut has issued a new book titled: Ahkam al-Asra fi Sujun al-Ihtilal al-Israeli: Dirasah Fiqhiyyah Muqaranah (Islamic Rules Regarding Prisoners in the Israeli Jails: A Comparative Jurisprudence Study) by Na’el Isma‘il Ramadan. This 168-page medium sized book was originally the author’s master’s thesis that earned him a degree in Jurisprudence and Legislation from Al-Quds University.

Publication Information:

Title: Ahkam al-Asra fi Sujun al-Ihtilal al-Israeli: Dirasah Fiqhiyyah Muqaranah (Islamic Rules Regarding Prisoners in the Israeli Jails: A Comparative Jurisprudence Study)
Prepared by: Na’el Isma‘il Ramadan
Published in: 2012
Physical details: 168 pages, 17*24, paperback
Price: $5

There is an evident need for such a study in view of the fact that, since 1967, more than 700 thousand Palestinians have been detained in Israeli jails.

These and others who may be detained in the future need to know the jurisprudential rules applicable to them, regarding various aspects of their lives in detention. Thus this study sheds light on the jurisprudence related to their worship inside Israeli jails, such as purification, prayer, fasting, alms-giving (zakat) and pilgrimage (hajj), laws of personal status, rules governing marriage and divorce, inheritance and wills. This is in addition to laws that concern the prisoner himself, such as hunger strikes and others. The study also highlights the Muslim Ummah’s duty toward these prisoners, including making every effort to free them, besides taking care of their families and children, etc.

It should be mentioned that, in his study, the researcher has adhered to a scientific research methodology. He applied in his study the comparative jurisprudential method. As he was studying the Islamic rules, he drew his conclusions from the Holy Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet; and sought guidance from respected Muslim jurists and scholars, relying on the best evidence, he may find.  

Source: Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, Beirut, 9/12/2011.