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Al-Zaytouna Centre has published the second edition of The Process of Israeli Decision Making by Karim El-Gendy.

The 272-page book is an attempt to understand the Israeli decision-making process, and to bridge the literature gap by relating domestic factors with decision-making and foreign policy.

>> Free Download: Chapter 3: The Influence of the Military and Security Establishment on Decision Making (44 pages, 1 MB)

Publication Information
– Title: The Process of Israeli Decision Making: Mechanisms, Forces and Influences
– Author: Karim El-Gendy
– Published in: 2019 (2nd Edition)
– Paperback: 274 pages
– Price: $10

Available on:

El-Gendy aims to discuss the Israeli decision making process from three different viewpoints. The decision makers and the formal relationship between them, the structural forces and influences inherent in the decision making mechanism, and the external factors that influence the decision making process.

The author explains how elements and forces within the labyrinth of the Israeli society exert influence on the decision-making mechanism and on how foreign policy and national security decisions are made. He expands on a number of external forces, or forces external to the decision-making process that are powerful enough to influence it. El-Gendy discusses the influence of five forces; the military, the advisors, two religious groups, the relationship with the United States, and the relationship with the Jewish Diaspora.

This book attempts to take holistic approach to the decision-making process and avoid focusing its attention solely on decision-making in crisis situations.

Al-Zaytouna Centre offers Chapter Three: The Influence of the Military and Security Establishment on Decision Making for free download.

>> Free Download: Chapter 3: The Influence of the Military and Security Establishment on Decision Making (44 pages, 1 MB)


Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, 19/12/2018