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Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations has published an Arabic academic paper entitled “The Palestine Issue in Turkey’s Upcoming Elections,” by Dr. Said El-Haj.

Foreign policy has a major effect in the polarization and disagreement between Turkey’s election rivals, particularly the two main coalitions: The ruling People’s Alliance (Cumhur) and the Nation Alliance (Millet). Although foreign policy doesn’t usually have a major influence on voter opinion, it will have an impact in the upcoming elections.

Most Turkish political parties and movements show interest in the Palestine issue; however, they differ in the degree of interest and engagement, rhetoric style and means of support. Nevertheless, in general, the Palestine issue in the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and its coalition remains stronger than within the Nation Alliance.

The paper examines how much the Palestine issue is discussed in the platforms of the competing parties and by their presidential candidates. Its impact on the electoral campaigns, and how much they divert when dealing with the developments of the Palestine issue.

El-Haj concludes that the Palestine issue is within the priorities of Turkish foreign policy, along with other issues, such as the eastern Mediterranean gas, the competition with Greece, the Libyan file, Syria and others. It remains present in electoral campaigns and platforms, because the Turks feel that they have a religious, moral and historical connection with Palestine, particularly when there are escalations and Israeli attacks.

In general, Turkish parties are committed to the two-state solution and support the Arab Peace Initiative, and at the same time they are keen to develop their relations with Israel.

Click here to download:

>>Academic Paper: The Palestine Issue in Turkey’s Upcoming Elections (Arabic) (18 pages, 2.7 MB)
By: Dr. Said El-Haj. (Exclusively for al-Zaytouna Centre).

Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, 8/5/2023

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