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By: Dr. Abbas Ismail.
(Exclusively for al-Zaytouna Centre).

Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations has published an Arabic academic paper entitled “The Israeli War on Gaza Strip: Displacement of Palestinians as the Primary Objective,” by Dr.‘Abbas Isma‘il.

The study aims to analyze the current Israeli war on Gaza Strip (GS), focusing on the hypothesis that displacing Palestinians from GS is an undeclared objective of the war.

It The study explored the Judaization of the war on Gaza through the biblical religious dimension, focusing on the myth of the “Land of Israel.” It examined the origins and key historical milestones of the concept of transferring the Palestinian population. Additionally, the study examines key Israeli positions and statements within political discourse regarding the expulsion of Gazans, as well as Israeli conferences on resettling Gaza, deporting Palestinians and calls for the genocide of Gaza’s entire population.

This study found that while the Israeli government did not officially adopt displacement as one of its declared war objectives—since it constitutes a clear war crime—the level of support for such actions increased, exposing underlying Zionist ideology. The desire for revenge among many Israelis was evident in their indiscriminate attacks on Palestinians. The Israeli “revenge basket” encompasses various punitive measures, including indiscriminate killing and bombing, as evidenced by the devastation in GS today. Additionally, there are calls for displacement of Palestinians and the reconstruction of settlements within GS, following Israel’s pattern in the West Bank, where settlement outposts are constructed at the sites of Palestinian operations in an attempt to retaliate and deter further Palestinian resistance.

The study concludes that Operation al-Aqsa Flood triggered a strategic shift in Israeli thinking and presented existential dilemmas for the country. At the same time, it created a unique opportunity for a significant movement within Israel to revitalize the concept of the “Greater Land of Israel” and ensure the “Jewishness of the state” by addressing the demographic imbalance between Jews and Palestinians in historic Palestine. This movement is pushing for the removal of Palestinians from GS through various means, particularly military and political actions, including committing atrocities and conducting an unprecedented campaign of destruction. The goal is to make displacement a de facto solution, a temporary measure with hopes of making it permanent. All efforts should be focused on preventing and countering this development.

Click here to download:
>> Academic Paper: The Israeli War on Gaza Strip: Displacement of Palestinians as the Primary Objective …Dr. Abbas Ismail (Arabic) (57 pages, 6.1 MB)

Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, 23/7/2024

The opinions expressed in all the publications and studies are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of al-Zaytouna Centre.

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