By: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh.
(Exclusively for al-Zaytouna Centre).
Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations has published a reading by Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh, a professor of Modern and Contemporary Arab History specializing in Palestine studies, on a founding document of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), much of which is being published for the first time. This document marks a pivotal moment in the movement’s establishment and serves as the first available record outlining action for Palestine following the establishment of the Tanzim Bilad al-Sham (Bilad al-Sham Organization) in 1978. It became the foundation for a shared understanding, a launchpad for structured action, and a key milestone in the formation of Hamas.
The document reflects the outcomes of a conference attended by the organization’s leadership, its representatives in various countries, and the relevant political committee. Credit is due to the leadership of the Muslim Brothers (MB) movement in Jordan (the leadership of the Bilad al-Sham Organization) for their strong support of all forms of action for Palestine, their key role in organizing the 1983 conference and drafting the document, their sponsorship and cover for launching military jihadist (resistance) action, and their efforts in preparing for the establishment of Hamas.
The study is divided into three parts: the first details how the document was obtained and the context of its preparation; the second explains and quotes its provisions; and the third presents the author’s observations and conclusions.
The author revealed that he obtained this document in 1988 from Yahya Issa Shaqra (Abu Haitham), one of the leaders of the Islamic action for Palestine in Kuwait, who later became the secretary of the MB executive office in Jordan. He confirmed its authenticity through verification with Khalid Mish‘al and Sami Khater, both of whom were involved in the conference. The author also explored the conference’s atmosphere, the political climate of the time, and the developments surrounding it. He then provided a detailed reading of the document, a ten-page typewritten text divided into seven headings.
Saleh views the document as comprehensive, presenting an integrated vision for Islamic action in Palestine across intellectual, political, organizational, activist, military jihad, and educational aspects. It also addresses relations with PLO factions, particularly Fatah, as well as interactions with rival Islamic forces. Furthermore, the document presents a detailed practical program that covers a wide range of ideas and courses of action, taking into account different priorities, capabilities and circumstances.
Saleh noted that the document is marked by a high level of maturity, balance, moderation and realism, coupled with a strong sense of self-confidence and openness to both the social environment and Palestinian forces.
The document emphasizes that the Palestine issue is an Islamic one, and that the mobilization of the Palestinian people and the Ummah must be based on this principle. It settles the widespread debate of the time regarding whether the establishment of the Islamic state should take precedence over the liberation of Palestine, or vice versa. It emphasizes that there is no conflict between the two, as they can go hand in hand. The effort to liberate Palestine is seen as integral to the establishment of the Islamic State and the implementation of Allah’s rule on earth. The document identified working toward the liberation of Palestine as a priority for the Bilad al-Sham Organization.
Saleh stated that the document clearly emphasizes the importance of Palestine itself, prioritizing it in areas such as education, da‘wah, popular mobilization, organization and military efforts. It prohibits the departure of Brothers from Palestine, except in cases of extreme necessity for the group’s benefit, and encourages the return of expatriate Brothers, and it is committed to fostering full cooperation between those inside and outside of Palestine.
The document emphasizes serious consideration, recommending the formation of a committee to monitor the conference recommendations and their implementation. It also advocates creating a specialized body or committee for Palestinian action to develop plans and establish preparation requirements, with a primary role for those within Palestine in this effort. The document focuses on popular action and engaging with the masses, preparing grassroots Islamic leaders, and adopting the just demands of the people. It stresses the importance of building strong relationships with tribal leaders, elders, family dignitaries and mukhtars, and it emphasizes student and youth work, particularly at the university level, with a focus on outstanding and expatriate students.
The document provides a comprehensive overview of military resistance, outlining the strategies for launching and ensuring its success, while also setting clear objectives and addressing the associated risks and caveats. It emphasizes that jihad is obligatory, and fighting is essential for the liberation of Palestine. Special attention was given to military action at home, viewed as part of a broader system of complementary efforts—financial, scientific, political… The document calls for the inclusion of military training as a fixed policy in the MB’s programs, educational curricula and Usrahs. It also highlights the importance of preparing neighboring regions of Palestine to combat the Zionist regime, especially given its expansionist ambitions, and recommends ensuring the necessary financial support.
Saleh noted that the document highlights the scientific, cognitive and technical aspects of the project’s management, emphasizing the formation of specialized committees. It repeatedly refers to specialized studies to ensure necessary preparations are made. The document also recommends establishing a center for information, studies and research, while calling for military work to be conducted at an academic level. Furthermore, it advises developing specialized military studies before taking any action in the field. It recommends leveraging the experiences of the jihadist MB in Palestine, studying the responsibilities and consequences of military action, and drawing lessons from historical figures. It also emphasizes benefiting from the experiences of Islamists in Fatah, analyzing Palestinian, Arab and international conditions, and examining the Israeli enemy, as well as the experiences of Islamists in other countries.
The document emphasizes the importance of the media, outlining strategies to strengthen the movement’s capacities, capabilities, and influence through it —an area in which the Islamic movement had previously faced significant shortcomings.
The document clearly focuses on developing the relationship with Fatah by taking steps to secure communication, achieve common understandings, overcome points of confrontation, resolve misunderstandings, leverage Fatah’s experience, attract Islamist elements within it, and push for strengthening its stance on armed resistance.
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