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This report studies the developments on the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations track in the specified period (Autumn 2006-Spring 2008, i.e. Annapolis-Damascus Summit).

It presents the narrative of the negotiations’ resumption and interruption(s), and the factors behind that. Besides, it highlights the related positions of: the Palestinians, the Israelis, the Arab and the Muslim countries and the Major international countries.

This report is available fully for free download on al-Zaytouna Centre’s Arabic Website. ( Download)

The Information Report series was launched by the Information Department of al-Zaytouna Centre in early 2008. It aims at providing periodical, informative, concise and well-documented information set on selected issues of concern on the Arab and Muslim World, specifically the Palestinian issue.



TitleMasar al-Mufawdat al-Filastiniyah al-Israeliyah ma bayna Annapolis wa al-Qimmah al-‘Arabiyah fi Dimashq (Kharif 2007-Rabi‘ 2008) (The Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Track between Annapolis and the Arab Summit in Damascus (Autumn 2006-Spring 2008))

Editor: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh

Managing Editor: Rabi‘ al-Dannan

Published in: 2008 (1st edition)

Physical details: 76 pages, 14*21 cm, paperback

Price : 2 $