Originally a distinguished MA thesis in International Law, this book sheds light on the Israeli responsibility towards the war crimes and atrocities committed since 1948 and up till the aggression on Gaza late 2008/early 2009, in light of the International Law. In addition, the book presents the various possible methods of suing crimes and its perpetuators, and discusses the legitimacy of holding Israel and its allies as responsible on these crimes and the consequent damages inflicted.
Publication Info Title: Al-Mas’oliyyah al-Dowaliyyah ‘an Jar’im al-Harb al-Israeliyyah (The International Responsibility for Israeli War Crimes) Author: Sameh Khaleel al-Wadeya Published in: 2009 (1st Edition) Physical details: 240 pages, 17*24 cm, paperback Price: 7$ ![]() |
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The book adopts an academic well-documented analytical approach, relying heavily on International Law texts, international agreements, Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court (ICC), as evidence for the criminal nature of the Israeli practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
As it notes the Israeli responsibility and possible suing procedures, the book emphasizes the international responsibility of other parties: Israel’s allies like the UK that provided for the establishment of the Occupation and the US for the continuous financial, political and military support it provides; and Arab and Islamic countries in supporting suing procedures, and possibly joining Rome’s ICC to be able to present cases there in Israeli crimes committed against its citizens or on its territory.
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