Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies & Consultations presents the paper “Building Solidarity for Palestine in Latin America”, by Dr. Daud Abdullah, who is the director Middle East Monitor.
Policy Paper: Building Solidarity for Palestine in Latin America
Dr. Daud Abdullah[1]
• Palestinians and Latin Americans have been linked by a common resistance to foreign domination and vision of independence.
• Traditionally, much of Latin America’s support for Palestine has come from the left of the political spectrum; this is no longer the case. Israel’s unwillingness to end its occupation has evoked support from across the political divide.
• The main areas of support are emanating from the Palestinian Diaspora in Latin America; the Native American peoples; Latin American governments; and the social movements spearheaded by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
• By themselves, the countries of Latin America cannot emancipate Palestine but they can contribute through the formation of alliances and intensification of South-South cooperation.
• The Palestinian leadership and people must harness this strategically important source of support.
For more than 100 years, Palestinians and Latin Americans have been linked by a common aspiration for independence. That relationship is set to continue well into the 21st century as Latin America’s transformative projects evolve and begin to impact on global affairs. There are four major channels through which solidarity for the Palestinian cause will be advanced: the Palestinian Diaspora in Latin America; the Native American peoples; Latin American governments; and the social movements spearheaded by the BDS movement.
One of the most fascinating features of the changes taking place in Latin America today is that they are being driven from the bottom up, largely by social movements, including environmentalists, farmers’ associations, adult education institutions and Native American activists. This represents a marked departure from the 20th century models of change, which were inspired largely by either revolutionary upheavals or guerrilla warfare; apart from the Cuban revolution, none have succeeded ... Read More
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[1] Dr. Daud Abdullah is the Director of Middle East Monitor (MEMO), London. He was born in Grenada where he received his early education. He obtained his first degree from the University of Guyana, South America in 1981. The following year he was awarded a scholarship to study Arabic at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. He later joined the University of Khartoum, Sudan, to pursue graduate studies. He was awarded his doctorate in 1989.
Dr. Abdullah lectured in history at the University of Maiduguri in Nigeria (1990-1993) and at Birkbeck College, University of London (2003-08). He was also senior researcher at the Palestinian Return Centre, London from 1996-2009.
Dr. Abdullah authored A History of Palestinian Resistance and contributed to many books. They include; American Foreign Policy & the Muslim World (al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies & Consultations, Beirut: 2009); The Arab-Israeli Conflict, (Cengage Gale, Detroit: 2012); The Battle for public opinion in Europe (Middle East Monitor, London: 2012); and Israel and Gaza: Behind the media veil (Middle East Monitor, London: 2014).
Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, 18/11/2015
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