Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies & Consultations presents the academic study “The Performance of the Palestinian Judiciary and the Achievement of Justice 1994–2013,” by Dr. Ahmad Mubarak al-Khalidi, who holds a Ph.D. in Public Law from Cairo University, 1979, and is specialized in Constitutional Law and Political Systems.
This study discusses the organization of the Palestinian judicial authority, explaining its necessity and the indispensable elements for its independence. Then, it analyzes the drawbacks in the organization and performance of the Palestinian judiciary, ordinary and constitutional, while explaining the theoretical and practical reasons. In the third part, the author discusses the growing drawbacks in the organization and the performance of the judiciary after the 2007–2013 split, where there were drawbacks in the relationship between the legislative and judicial authorities on one hand, and the judiciary and the executive authority on the other.
The author concludes that the Palestinian judiciary lacks impartiality, integrity and justice compared to other Arab countries… and that the intervention of the executive authority and the lack of political will to reform is one of the main problems of the Palestinian judiciary.
This study is an academic study that was published in the Arabic book of al-Zaytouna “The Palestinian National Authority: A Study of the Experience and Performance 1994–2013,” edited by Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh, 2014.
The study is available in Word & Pdf format.
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>> Academic Study: The Performance of the Palestinian Judiciary and the Achievement of Justice 1994-2013
>> Academic Study: The Performance of the Palestinian Judiciary and the Achievement of Justice 1994-2013 |
Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, 9/3/2017
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