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Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations has issued the updated edition of its book, “The Road to Jerusalem: A Historical Study of the Islamic Experience in the Land of Palestine, From the Time of the Prophets to the Twenty First Century,” by Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh, with additions and amendments. It is a historical study that reviews the Islamic experience in the land of Palestine from the times of the prophets until the twenty-first century (until the end of 2022).

The 318-page book studies the history of Palestine before Islam and the experience of the prophets there. It studies the Islamic conquest of Palestine and how it was also liberated from the Crusaders and Tatars. It explores its modern and contemporary history since the end of the Ottoman State, and sheds light on the role of the Islamic movement in uprisings, revolutions and resistance action against the British occupation and the Zionist entity, including the roles of Haj Amin al-Husaini, al-Qassam Group “Al-Jihadiyyah,” the Muslim Brothers Movement, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine. At the end, the author provides insights about the historical Islamic experience in Palestine, based on the understanding of Muslims of this sacred issue, and in accordance with their cultural heritage and identity. An aspect that many researches and books related to the Palestine issue lack.

Click here to download:
>> The Road to Jerusalem: A Historical Study of the Islamic Experience in the Land of Palestine From the Time of the Prophets to the 21st Century (Revised and Updated Version 2023) (320 pages, 19.3 MB)
Publication Information

– Title: The Road to Jerusalem: A Historical Study of the Islamic Experience in the Land of Palestine From the Time of the Prophets to the 21st Century
– Author: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
– Published in: 2023 (Revised and Updated Version 2023)
– Paperback: 318 pages.
– Price: $14
– ISBN: 978-614-494-040-2

Available on: || ||||||

The author believes that the historical experience has proved that the liberation of Palestine is linked to Islam, from the age of Futuh to the Crusades and the confrontation of the Tatars and until our contemporary times. The various ideologies that have dominated the Arab and Palestinian public discourse and politics in our modern history, whether leftist, nationalist, or region-oriented, have failed to lead a real liberation project. Although the Islamic trend was fiercely fought in the region and deprived of the means of revival and empowerment, especially in the strategic surrounding area of Palestine, Islam has remained the main motivator of revolutions, resistance action and the uprisings of the Palestinian people over the past hundred years. For more than two decades, the Palestinian Islamic resistance has represented the backbone of the armed resistance forces in Palestine.

The battle for the liberation of Palestine is a continuous one that does not stop until the complete liberation of the land and the defeat of the Zionist project. It is a battle that many generations will bear, generation after generation until victory and liberation. Defeats, setbacks, frustrations, betrayals from near and far and corruption of regimes and their rulers should not be reasons for giving up any part of the blessed land. Rather, it should constitute a motive for the faithful to conduct revisions, draw lessons, redouble efforts and creativity and fulfil the conditions of success.

Due to the desire of many readers to learn about the entire history of Palestine and its issue from an Islamic point of view, this book was written. It is a scientifically documented academic book, full of information, easy to read, while trying to draw lessons from this history.

This book is a specialized and indispensable historical reference for all researchers, students, and those concerned with the study of the history of Palestine and the role of the Islamic movement there.

Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, 25/9/2023