On 17/12/2024, Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations hosted a panel discussion titled “The Syrian Revolution and its Impact on the Palestine Issue.” The event, held via Zoom, brought together specialists and experts in Syrian affairs and the Palestine issue.
Participants discussed the events in Syria on 8/12/2024, viewing them as a pivotal shift in the region’s strategic landscape and a first step toward the emergence of a new world order. They also examined the implications for the Palestine issue and noted how Israel is exploiting the situation to impose new realities under fire. This strategy aims to strip Syria of its key strengths, leaving it destabilized and vulnerable, ultimately paving the way for enforced normalization.
Participants proposed establishing a working group to collaborate with new officials in Syria, offering expertise in leadership, political strategy and other key areas. The initiative aims to address potential gaps, support the stabilization process in Syria, and serve the broader interests of Palestine.
Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, 18/12/2024
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