Yearly Archives: 2023

Academic Paper: Transformations in International Public Opinion and Operation al-Aqsa Flood

By: Prof. Dr. Walid ‘Abd al-Hay.[1] (Exclusively for al-Zaytouna Centre). Introduction Media in its various forms (written, audio and visual), both traditional and contemporary, constitutes [...]

Political Insights (3): Will the Israeli Aggression on Gaza Prolong?

Introduction: After 50 days of the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip (GS), it appears that the declared objectives of the Israeli occupation are still elusive, [...]

Political Analysis: The Implications of the Truce and Prisoner Exchange Deal between Hamas and Israel

By: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh. After 48 days of savage aggression and Israeli massacres, Hamas succeeded in imposing its will and forced the Israeli [...]

Political Analysis: Arab Position on the Aggression on Gaza: A New Low

By: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh. A Substantial Difference Fifty years separates the Egyptian army’s participation in the October 1973 war against Israel, which became [...]

정치적 통찰(2): 이스라엘-가자 지구 전쟁에 대한 중국의 입장 (in Korean)

중국-이스라엘 관계 발전… 그러나: 중국과 이스라엘의 외교 관계는 1992년에 시작되었다. 중국은 이스라엘과의 외교 관계 수립이 서방에서 자신의 이미지를 개선하고 서방의 군사 기술을 획득하는 데 도움이 [...]

2023-12-07T20:42:33+00:00November 17th, 2023|Categories: Other languages|Tags: , |0 Comments

Политические инсайты (2): Позиция Китая относительно израильской войны в секторе Газа (in Russian)

Развитые китайско-израильские отношения… Но: Дипломатические отношения Китая с Израилем начались в 1992 году. Пекин считал, что укрепление отношений с Тель-Авивом поможет ему улучшить свой имидж [...]

2023-12-07T20:43:12+00:00November 17th, 2023|Categories: Other languages|Tags: , |0 Comments


Al-Zaytouna Centre conducts strategic and futuristic academic studies on the Arab and Muslim worlds. It focuses on the Palestinian issue and the conflict with Israel as well as related Palestinian, Arab, Islamic and international developments.

General Manager

Mohsen Moh’d Saleh, Ph.D., is an associate professor of Modern and Contemporary Arab History, the general manager of al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, editor-in-chief of the annual Palestinian Strategic Report, former head of Department of History and Civilization at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), and former executive manager of Middle East Studies Centre in Amman ...More

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