Monthly Archives: April 2024

Al-Zaytouna Centre Co-organizes Conference: “The Palestine Issue Transformations and Their Impacts on Muslim and Western Worlds”

Several research centers, including al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations in Beirut, along with Moroccan, Arab and international academic institutions, jointly organized an international conference [...]

2024-04-30T05:06:52+00:00April 29th, 2024|Categories: Al-Zaytouna News|Tags: , |0 Comments

Political Analysis: Israeli Assault on Rafah: Bound for Failure

By: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh. For over three months, the Israeli threat of invading Rafah loomed, with one foot in motion and the other [...]

Political Analysis: The Israeli Occupation and Pre-Conclusion Arrangements of the Gaza War

By: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh. There are four newly emerging situations and three other specifically targeted situations that Israel aims to stabilize on the [...]

Political Analysis: Thirteen Indicators That Israel’s War on Gaza is on Borrowed Time

By: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh. Thirteen signs indicate that the war on Gaza Strip (GS), which has lasted more than six months, is now [...]

Panel Discussion: Determinants of US Policy towards the Gaza War and Its Future Trajectories

Reading Time: < 1 minute

  • Date: 27/3/2024
  • Sessions: One session
  • Virtual live Discussion


Al-Zaytouna Centre conducts strategic and futuristic academic studies on the Arab and Muslim worlds. It focuses on the Palestinian issue and the conflict with Israel as well as related Palestinian, Arab, Islamic and international developments.

General Manager

Mohsen Moh’d Saleh, Ph.D., is an associate professor of Modern and Contemporary Arab History, the general manager of al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, editor-in-chief of the annual Palestinian Strategic Report, former head of Department of History and Civilization at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), and former executive manager of Middle East Studies Centre in Amman ...More

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