Reading Time: 3 minutes

Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations in Beirut issued a new booklet entitled “Insights on the Road to Jerusalem,” by Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh.

The 20-page booklet seeks to display the most prominent features and determinants of the Islamic vision of the Palestine issue, which capitalizes on Shari‘ah concepts, the Divine universal laws, the accumulated history, realities and future foresight. It adds that Islam is a way of life and a founder of civilization, and that Palestine has an important status and a role that has been associated with the empowerment of Allah’s religion. It warns that in our modern and contemporary world, the Ummah (Muslim nation) has been suffering from backwardness, and needs to resume its civilizational role and revival project, however, it believes that Palestine is the central issue of this Ummah, whose liberation is an Islamic project. It further explains that this liberation and working for the civilized advancement of the Ummah are two parallel and complementary actions, and that its Islamic aspect does not contradict the Arab nationalist dimensions and the humanitarian dimensions, too. The booklet discusses the factors of achieving strategic superiority and the basic conditions for the success of the revival and liberation project.

Originally the booklet is the Insights chapter of the revised and updated version of the book, The Road to Jerusalem: A Historical Study of the Islamic Experience in the Land of Palestine From the Time of the Prophets to the 21st Century, published in 2023. However, due to its importance and based on suggestions of a number of specialists and experts, this chapter has been published separately in a booklet, where its condensed size could be distributed easily and reach every Palestinian, Arab and Muslim, and also everyone seeking the truth and aspires to liberate all of Palestine.

Click here to download:
>> Insights on the Road to Jerusalem (20 pages, 425 KB)
Publication Information

– Title: Insights on the Road to Jerusalem
– Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Mohsen Mohammad Saleh
– Published in: 2023 (Revised and Updated Version 2023)
– Paperback: 20 pages.
– Price: $2
– ISBN: 978-614-494-042-6

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Read More:
>> New Book Release: The Road to Jerusalem (Revised and Updated Version 2023) (Free Download)

Click here to download:
>> The Road to Jerusalem: A Historical Study of the Islamic Experience in the Land of Palestine From the Time of the Prophets to the 21st Century (Revised and Updated Version 2023) (320 pages, 19.3 MB)

Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, 18/10/2023